Shopping cartSimple shopping site built with MERN stackMongoDBExpressNodeReact
Connect4Connect4 game using JavaJava
Student PortalThis allows an admin to add students to the database and assign them with mentors for the course and generate report in form of a pdfHTMLCSSJavascriptPhpSQL
Parkinson's Disease DetectionUsing voice samples available in the UCI repository ,different machine learning models are used to classify the samples into 2 categorical results.Python
Hogwarts memory gameA memory game built using ReactJsReact
Emoji interpreterAn Emoji interpreter using HooksReact
An ip address trackerA simple ip address tracker where the user has to enter the ip address and the nearest location will be plotted on the mapReact
Tip calculator appA simple tip calculator using vanilla javascriptJavascriptHTMLCSS
A fun CLI Quiz appThis uses Chalk.js ,a library for styling the CLIJavascript